Course Content
1 Introduction
Training secondary school geography teachers in pedagogies for sustainability and geoinformation issues. Authors: Karl Donert, Alan Parkinson, Michaela Lindner-Fally
GI Pedagogy MOOC
About Lesson

A case study is a comprehensive and thorough study of a subject. It is a learning/lesson scenario that could be adapted for different topics/subjects that could use GIS.

GI-Pedagogy case studies could be associated with effective classroom techniques or active pedagogical methods to associate knowledge with action or real-life tasks. They are pilot learning examples and reflect good practice already used in our teacher training lessons.

The GI Pedagogy model has been  used to build examples using the ten Principles of Instructions of Barak Rosenshine, which have been represented by small icons drawn by Oliver Caviglioli, who has kindly granted permission for their use in this project.

Some practical steps that can be taken to create a case study

  • Identify a topic from your curriculum which is strongly related to real-life problems and sustainability – (a topic could be a lesson, a sequence of learning etc);
  • Set concrete learning objectives and/or competencies to be achieved;
  • Link the topic and the lesson objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG);
  • Identify a list of useful resources (books, texts, websites. layers, data) on the selected topic/content to use them;
  • Design your lesson in six steps following the GIPedagogy model that it is based on Rosenshine principles;
  • Select or create digital maps and integrate them into the lesson – these may be used in different ways depending on the competence of your students, or prior experience in using GIS;
  • Provide clear models and  guide students to fulfil the learning objectives;  
  • Check students understanding and provide feedback;

The GIPedagogy template has been created to help in building a  case study for your curriculum.